LuBlu Entertainment Приложения

Pirate Diamonds 1.0
LuBlu Entertainment
NOTE: THIS VERSION OF PIRATE DIAMONDS WILLNOTRUN IF YOU HAVE AN AD-BLOCKER INSTALLED.IF YOU DON'T WANT ADS, FEEL FREE TO BUY THE AD-FREE VERSIONINSTEAD.Developed by LuBlu Entertainment and released in 2013,PirateDiamonds can be considered a more modern/deluxe version oftheir2006 game "Sort'em". It's a very simple (and addictive!)arcadegame, suitable for small handheld devices that typicallyhaslimited controls.GAMEPLAYThe gameplay of Pirate Diamonds is as simple as it gets: Sortwhiteand black diamonds. White ones go to the left and black onesto theright. Controls are equally simple:- Click/touch the screen or keys on the right side ofyourdevice, to make diamonds go to the right.- Click/touch the screen or keys on the left side of your device,tomake diamonds go to the left.- Or click/touch the screen or keys in the vertical center ofyourdevice to toggle direction.One game has a duration of about 3 minutes tops - if youmanageto sort all of the diamonds. This makes Pirates Diamonds anidealgame for those small daily breaks you might have while waitingforthe bus, sitting in the waiting-room at the doctor, taking abreakat work, etc.POINTSThe very first diamond you sort correctly, will give you 1point.The next one will give you 2 points, and the next 3 pointsetc. Inshort, the longer you can go without making a mistake, themorepoints you'll get.When you sort a diamond to the wrong side, you will lose3%energy and the point-system will drop 25%. (Meaning, you willnotlose points. You'll just get less points for the nextcorrectlysorted diamond). When you have sorted all of the diamonds,you willbe awarded with bonus points for your remaining energy.During the game, various powerups will appear.(A)utoramp, will automatically sort all diamonds correctlyforyou for a limited time(B)onus, will multiply all future points with the bonus factor.Youcan reach a bonus factor of 8!(C)olor, will make all diamonds the same color for alimitedtime(E)nergy, will give you an energy boost(e) Small energy, will give you a small energy boost(S)low down, will slow down the tempo of the falling diamonds(P)oints, will give you 12.500 points (multiplied by thebonusfactor)Powerups are also either white or black, and will need tobesorted correctly to activate it. Sorting a powerup incorrectlywillnot cost you any energy though.
Bus Billet Nordjylland 0.1
LuBlu Entertainment
Med denne simple app kan dubestillebus-billetter via 1271 tjenesten. Vælg afgangs-sted ogdestination,og app'en sender SMS afsted til 1271 med det nødvendigeinfo.Findes også i en J2ME version: versionen kører på stort set alle mobiler undtagenAndroid,iPhone og Windows Phone 7)With this simple appyoucan book bus tickets via the 1271 service. Choose departureanddestination and the app sends SMS off to 1271 with thenecessaryinfo.Also available in a J2ME version: version runs on virtually all mobiles except Android,iPhoneand Windows Phone 7)
Pirate Diamonds (ad-free) 1.0
Developed by LuBlu Entertainment andreleasedin 2013, Pirate Diamonds can be considered a moremodern/deluxeversion of their 2006 game "Sort'em". It's a verysimple (andaddictive!) arcade game, suitable for small handhelddevices thattypically has limited controls.GAMEPLAYThe gameplay of Pirate Diamonds is as simple as it gets: Sortwhiteand black diamonds. White ones go to the left and black onesto theright. Controls are equally simple:- Click/touch the screen or keys on the right side ofyourdevice, to make diamonds go to the right.- Click/touch the screen or keys on the left side of your device,tomake diamonds go to the left.- Or click/touch the screen or keys in the vertical center ofyourdevice to toggle direction.One game has a duration of about 3 minutes tops - if youmanageto sort all of the diamonds. This makes Pirates Diamonds anidealgame for those small daily breaks you might have while waitingforthe bus, sitting in the waiting-room at the doctor, taking abreakat work, etc.POINTSThe very first diamond you sort correctly, will give you 1point.The next one will give you 2 points, and the next 3 pointsetc. Inshort, the longer you can go without making a mistake, themorepoints you'll get.When you sort a diamond to the wrong side, you will lose3%energy and the point-system will drop 25%. (Meaning, you willnotlose points. You'll just get less points for the nextcorrectlysorted diamond). When you have sorted all of the diamonds,you willbe awarded with bonus points for your remaining energy.During the game, various powerups will appear.(A)utoramp, will automatically sort all diamonds correctlyforyou for a limited time(B)onus, will multiply all future points with the bonus factor.Youcan reach a bonus factor of 8!(C)olor, will make all diamonds the same color for alimitedtime(E)nergy, will give you an energy boost(e) Small energy, will give you a small energy boost(S)low down, will slow down the tempo of the falling diamonds(P)oints, will give you 12.500 points (multiplied by thebonusfactor)Powerups are also either white or black, and will need tobesorted correctly to activate it. Sorting a powerup incorrectlywillnot cost you any energy though.